Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT – seit 1994

Michel Angelo

Michel Angelo

MichelAngelo, M. F. A., C. T. M.
An opera singer, classical composer, pianist, medical astrologer, healer, diviner and writer, MichelAngelo served as Advisor, Astrological Medicine & Musical Studies to Acutonics® Institute of Integral Medicine, LLC, for seven years, and is a co-author of the textbook, From Galaxies to Cells: Planetary Science, Harmony and Medicine (Devachan, 2011). He contributed several articles on medical astrology to the former Oriental Medicine Journal.
Other articles have appeared in Dell Horoscope and Infinity Astrological Journal. Since the spring of 2019, MichelAngelo has published four compilations of original essays, Random Ramblings of an Astrological Autodidact, Miscellaneous Maunderings about the Starry Sky, both 5-star rated, and available on Amazon, A Congeries of Cosmic Considerations, and, most recently, A Plethora of Planetary Proclamations.

MichelAngelo is a co-author, with sound healing pioneer Donna Carey, co-creator of the Acutonics® sound healing system, of the ground-breaking advanced level treatise, From Galaxies to Cells: Planetary Science, Harmony and Medicine. He has created a 3-part certification series, Planetary Vibrational Medicine, in which he synergizes Western medical astrology with Oriental medicine theory and practice, introducing a variety of planetary vibrational methods of remediation (gem elixirs, tuning forks) to address constitutional balance and imbalance as it is reflected in the Western natal chart and identified through other astrological diagnostic strategies.
MichelAngelo is the Co-Director (with Mary Elizabeth Wakefield) of Chi-Akra Center for Ageless Aging, and, with Ms. Wakefield, has co-created some 20 different seminars on facial acupuncture and related modalities. He and Ms. Wakefield have co-taught their acclaimed seminars on 4 different continents, to practitioners from 5 different continents, as well as a myriad of North American and international acupuncture and sound healing symposiums.
MichelAngelo sees clients for private astrological consultations and healing sessions with planetary vibrational bodywork in New York, and also remotely via Zoom.

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