Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT

Clinical strategies for stubborn cases: diagnosis and treatment with Japanese acupuncture

Kiiko Matsumoto, LicAc, Assistant: John Jaarsveld, NL, Interpreter: Roswitha Laabs

Experiencing and learning Kikko Matsumoto's unique style of acupuncture based on decades of experience and direct palpation on patients with appropriate feedback.

Course language: English with german translation
Interpreter: Rosi Laabs
Assistant: John Jaarsveld


Kiiko Matsumoto teaching in Europe at ABZ MITTE: Frankfurt airport nearby

Improve your practical treatment skills

Course description

This is one of the rare occasions to train palpation diagnosis under direct supervision of Kiiko Matsumoto in small groups.

Kiiko’s feedback-based system comprises abdominal palpation, palpation of relevant body parts and acupuncture points. All the findings are brought together to select a suitable treatment strategy. This also includes a succinct interpretation of the (oral) feedbacks from patients and what acupuncture points to select.

Kiiko Matsumoto will demonstrate her methods and explain how it precisely leads to the selection of acupuncture points as well as the corresponding needle technique (needle orientation, depth, etc.).

This seminar covers:

  • Haradiagnose of the reflex zones of the belly, which is combined with the medical history to come to a comprensive understanding of the patient as a whole person as well as his ailments
  • An introduction to the treatment of the root cause according to Kiiko Matsumoto and the thinking process leading to her acupuncture style
  • An overview of the feedback system by which the points to be treated are selected, and how further palpation confirms the effectiveness of the points before needling or proceeding with 

The number of participants is limited to 24, so that all participants can practice under the supervision of Kiiko and her assistant. This is one of the best opportunities for those practitioners, who want to make the transition from mere theoretical knowledge of Kiiko’s style to using it with confidence in everyday practice.

We welcome beginners, who have attended one of Kiiko’s courses in the past, but who have found her style overwhelmingly different from their current clinical practice to introduce palpation diagnosis effectively into their daily clinic routine.


Knowledge of acupuncture and hara diagnosis. If you are beginner make sure to read up on Kiiko’s diagnosis style. This course will only provide a limited theoretical introduction in order to focus on hands-on training.


All participants will receive a certificate of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Akupunktur und TCM e.V.”

Kiiko Matsumoto
Kiiko Matsumoto, LicAc
[Translate to English:]
Assistant: John Jaarsveld, NL
Roswitha Laabs
Interpreter: Roswitha Laabs

Organization and Costs

Course location
Ausbildungszentrum Mitte
Frankfurter Str. 59
63067 Offenbach, entrance in the yard to the right, 3rd floor
Tel: 069 / 82 36 14 17, Fax: 069 / 82 36 17 49

For information about reduced hotel rates in Offenbach please see here

Course date

Please register no later than September 14, 2024

Thursday: 10.00 – 18.00

Credit points: 8

Participant: min. 16 - max. 24

Course fee: 300 €
AGTCM-Members: 240 €
TCM Fachverband Schweiz-members: 270 €

Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an invoice 2-3 weeks before the start of the course with all course dates and detailed information on payment methods.
