Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT – since 1994

Demystifying Qi

Andrew Nugent-Head, Assistant: Dr. Michael Kleiser

The class will be in English only

Demystify to get tangible

This class is included in “The Power of Touch – Chinese Bodywork in Clinical Practice”,
but can be booked separately too.

Tangibly affecting and controlling what happens to a patient’s Qi when we work on them is the most important clinical skill to have. It moves us beyond being able to make general systemic changes and into tangibly making Qi move up and down the channels, create warming or cooling where needed, gathering Qi where we want or spreading it out of where we don’t. In Andrew’s early years in China, taking Qi out of theory and into this level of tangibility was his biggest challenge. Training under third generation Yin Style Bagua practitioner Xie Peiqi (1920-2003) for 10 years, Andrew learned to demystify the myths of Qi and achieve the clinical results which made Chinese medicine famous. Since then, it has been his mission to help others move into the tangible world of working with Qi, teaching in a down to earth, non esoteric method so anyone can develop the skills he learned in China. 

In this one day seminar, Andrew begins with lecture to give a clear explanation of what Qi is and isn’t from the Chinese perspective, then demonstrates how to tangibly and reliably manipulate Qi in a patient, explaining the Daoyin, or mechanics, required to be successful. Afterwards, participants will learn the Eight Storing Qi & Developing Awareness practices followed by partnered work affecting Qi at the Heaven, Human and Earth layers of a person.


  • What Qi is and isn’t from the Chinese perspective
  • Manipulating Qi in a patient is a Tangible Skill
  • Understanding what it is to manipulate Qi at the Earth, Human and Heaven layer


  • Riding the Skeletal System, or Earth Layer
  • Affecting the Human Layer
  • Affecting the Heaven Layer
  • Point Pressing


  • Eight Storing Qi & Developing Awareness Group Practice
  • Partnered Practice of the Demonstrated Tangible Qi Practices


Everybody who wants to improve clinical results and is willing to put in the work.


All participants will receive a certificate of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. (AGTCM)".

Andrew Nugent-Head
Andrew Nugent-Head
[Translate to English:]
Assistant: Dr. Michael Kleiser

Organization and Costs

Ausbildungszentrum Mitte
Frankfurter Str. 59
63067 Offenbach, im Hof Eingang hinten rechts, 3. Stock
Tel: 069 / 82 36 14 17, Email

Information about reduced hotel rates in Offenbach


Course language: Englisch

Participants: min: 27 - max: 40

Friday: 12.00 - 18.30

AGTCM Credit points: 6

Costs: 170 €
AGTCM-members: 136 €
TCM Fachverband Schweiz-members: 153 €

Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an invoice 2-3 weeks before the start of the course with all the course details and exact information on payment methods
