Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT – since 1994

Free online-course: 20 Tips to Obtain Peaceful, Restorative Sleep in and after a Pandemic, based on Ancient Wisdom and Sleep Science

Rob Helmer, Silke Burkart

This course with Rob Helmer is free of charge for you. Registration latest 30.11.2021 at 2 pm.

This online-course will be recorded by video. By registering online, participants agree to the video recording.

Interpreter: Silke Burkart
Handout: in English

Course description

Every living organism on the planet needs sleep. Sleep is an integral component of human health, and a sufficient amount of good quality restful sleep is essential to prevent illness and to cultivate health in order to nourish life and longevity. In modern society the rates of insomnia and use of sleep medication have increased substantially over the years. Multiple research studies show that the current pandemic has and is severely disrupting sleep in more than fifty percent of the general population.
Desire to sleep and not being unable to is one of the most frustrating experiences in our modern existence. Chronic insomnia (defined as having difficulty sleeping several times a week for several months) can really disrupt a person’s life and wellbeing. This lack of rest puts a damper over a person’s everyday mood affecting quality of life and often turns sleep into a chore that a person dreads instead of a relief and opportunity to rest and recover.
The empirical knowledge gained through more than 2000 years of TCM to promote healthy sleep can now be explained, understood and supported by modern sleep research. Please join us for this free webinar to discover the 20 most important lifestyle and sleep hygiene tips to help your patient's achieve sufficient sleep that is both peaceful and restorative

What you will learn
• Learn the 20 most important tips according to TCM and sleep science to share with your patients to help them to obtain peaceful, restorative and improve clinical outcomes
• Review Sleep and Wakefulness according to Chinese medicine
• Gain a better understanding of how yin-yang theory relates to circadian rhythm
• Explore the relationship between stress and unfulfilled desires with cortisol levels and liver depression qi stagnation
• Discover modern medicine's two-process model of sleep regulation and how to apply this knowledge in clinical practice
• Learn about the current and future psychological impact (including difficulty sleeping) of the pandemic and the important role of TCM to help those suffering
• Understand the connection between melatonin-cortisol and difficulty sleeping


Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine


All participants will receive a certificate of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Akupunktur und TCM e.V.”


English with German interpretation. The handout is in English.

Rob Helmer
Silke Burkart
Silke Burkart

Organization and Costs

Ausbildungszentrum Mitte für Klassische Akupunktur und TCM e.V.
Frankfurter Str. 59
63067 Offenbach, in the backyard entrance on the right, 3rd floor
phone: +49 (0)69 / 82 36 14 17
fax: +49 (0)69 / 82 36 17 49


Time schedule – central european summer time (CEST)
06.30pm – 09.00pm

Credits: 3

Participants: minimum 10

free of charge

Please also note the other courses at ABZ MITTE with Rob Helmer.

Click here

Interpreter: Silke Burkart
Handout: in English

After we receive your registration, you will get a zoom link on 11/30/2021 before the seminar starts.
