Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT

Kiiko Matsumoto treats patients - get inspired

11. – 13.10.2024
Kiiko Matsumoto, LicAc, Assistant: John Jaarsveld, NL, Interpreter: Roswitha Laabs

Let Kiiko Matsumoto inspire you for your clinical work with your patients!

Together with Kiiko Matsumoto, we have decided not to present a fixed topic for 2024.
Kiiko Matsumoto will, as she always does, "simply" treat patients as they come into her own practice in Newton Highlands, MA.

Thus, all participants will have the unique opportunity - which will certainly not be so very often - to follow Kiiko Matsumoto in her palpatory diagnosis and following acupuncture treatment, in different, individual clinical patterns, and to understand why she treats how and .... with which result.

Find out more about Kiiko Matsumoto's way of working and the organisation of the patients below!

The slightly different approach to acupuncture

Course language is English with translation
Interpreter: Roswitha Laabs
Assistant: John Jaarsveld
Camera: Rita Mall-Araya

Some aspects of Kiiko Matsumoto's way of working

Kiiko Matsumoto does not teach theory - at least not without concrete live patient examples.

She demonstrates the principles and techniques of her treatment directly on patients.
For each treatment case, Kiiko Matsumoto will add - as appropriate for her - some basic remarks on the corresponding main complaint.

What will you learn in this workshop?

Kiiko is exceptionally practical in her teaching: she demonstrates on "real" patient:s how she treats in her own clinic in Boston. This is not just a theoretical workshop; the emphasis is on demonstrating real clinical practice. Like many Japanese teachers, Kiiko demands full attention from her students to follow what she is doing. The reward, however, is that you go home with treatments that you can use in your own clinic and verify that they work.

To ensure that all participants benefit as much as possible from Kiiko Matsumoto's treatments,

  • John Jaarsveld supports Kiiko Matsumoto - and has done so for many years - as an assistant.
  • Rosi Laabs translates Kiiko Matsumoto - and that too for many years - and always keeps an eye on the needs of the group
  • Rita Mall-Araya will guide the camera in such a way that all participants have a good view of the treatment situation via the blackboard.

Presentation of your patients

They will have the special opportunity to present patients with whom they are not as advanced as they would like.

Participants who live further away and are unable to present patients will also benefit from the live situation of anamnesis, palpation, diagnosis and treatment as well as the visible result of the treatment.

4-6 patients can be presented per day. There are no restrictions to a specific complaint.
Please contact the school office for an appointment.


Please send a short medical history, preferably in English and German, to the school office on 01.10.2024.
This will then be handed out to all participants in an appropriate form.


Why this workshop?

Kiiko Matsumoto is considered by many to be the "living master of acupuncture". A world-renowned teacher and author, she has integrated the works of important Japanese acupuncture masters such as Master Nagano, Master Kawai, and Dr. Manaka into a coherent and clinically effective system. Kiiko Matsumoto presents at seminars worldwide and maintains a private practice in Newton Highlands, MA.


Kiiko Matsumoto studied and graduated in Japan. Her main influences are from Japanese teachers. However, she has an exceptional knowledge of the classics and has the ability to demonstrate her interpretation of Su Wen, Ling Shu and Nan Jing directly to patients.

Kiiko's work is getting more and more attention in Europe. Her seminars in London, Germany, Switzerland and Israel and the Netherlands are very popular, and she has been to ABZ MITTE in Offenbach several times. We are pleased to be part of this growing interest in palpation-based acupuncture. Students specializing in Kiiko Matsumoto's style will want to attend as many seminars as possible to deepen their knowledge. Students who use Kiiko Matsumoto's approach to strengthen their own approach will be inspired by Kiiko's practicality and challenged to achieve the same results with other methods.

There are many different types of acupuncture. But what if the patient does not respond well to treatment? How much root and how much branch treatment should you use? How can you tell if the patient is making progress? Kiiko Matsumoto's palpation-based approach helps many people answer these questions, regardless of what style of acupuncture you use.
Kiiko Matsumoto's approach, as always, is to treat the patients who present to her. She does not use set protocols, but approaches each patient individually for maximum results.
Every patient is different. That is the power and beauty of a master acupuncturist's work.

Example: eview of treatment strategies for SCM and posterior neck.
One of the most important reflective areas that helps us monitor the progress of our treatment and provide insight into prognosis (how much symptoms will improve) is the SCM muscle. This is especially relevant for patients with conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, or brain tumors. The SCM muscle is often very tight in these patients and if it softens during treatment, you can be sure that the patient's symptoms will improve.

“The vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions, including control of mood, immune response, digestion, and heart rate. It establishes one of the connections between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract and sends information about the state of the inner organs to the brain via afferent fibres.” - Breit, S., Kupferberg, A., Rogler, G., & Hasler, G. (2018). Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain-Gut Axis in Psychiatric and Inflammatory Disorders. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, 44. Link

Here are some examples of how Kiiko Matsumoto teaches?
A few short clips of past workshops are available on Youtube:
Youtube 1
Youtube 2



Knowledge of acupuncture. Some background knowledge of Kiiko Matsumoto's acupuncture style is recommended, but not required.
Recommendations for introduction in advance:
Clinical strategies for stubborn cases: diagnosis and treatment with Japanese acupuncture


All participants will receive a certificate of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Akupunktur und TCM e.V.”

Kiiko Matsumoto
Kiiko Matsumoto, LicAc
[Translate to English:]
Assistant: John Jaarsveld, NL
Roswitha Laabs
Interpreter: Roswitha Laabs

Organization and Costs

Ausbildungszentrum Mitte
Frankfurter Str. 59
63067 Offenbach, entrance in the yard to the right, 3rd floor
Tel: 069 / 82 36 14 17, Fax: 069 / 82 36 17 49

For information about reduced hotel rates in Offenbach please see here

Course date
11.- 13.10. 2024

The registration deadline for reaching a minimum of 25 participants is 23 September 2024.

Friday: 10.00 - 18.00 hrs
Saturday: 10.00 - 18.00 hrs
Sunday: 09.00 - 16.30 hrs

Credit points: 24

Participant: min. 25 - max. 35

Course fee: 820 €
AGTCM members: 658 €
TCM Fachverband Schweiz members: 738 €

Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an invoice 2-3 weeks before the start of the course with all course dates and detailed information on payment methods.
