Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT – since 1994

Dr. Liuzhong Ye, PhD

Dr. Liuzhong Ye, PhD and Master of TCM from Guangzhou University of TCM, has been practising TCM in the UK since 2003. He is also lecturing in several TCM Academies across Europe, including LACA London, Wroclaw Academy of Acupuncture Poland, and Swiss TCM University. In addition he is appointed as supervising professor of Master and PhD scheme of TCM at Shulan College Manchester UK, in association with Nanjing University of TCM China. He serves as the chairman of CAHMA (Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance), the general Secretary of British Institute of Scalp Acupuncture. Dr. Ye is specializing in Xun Zhen therapeutics by meridian palpation differentiation. He runs different workshops and seminars across the world.

