Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT – since 1994

John Jaarsveld, NL

John Jaarsveld has been studying with Kiiko Mastumoto sensei for 15 years, in The Netherlands and aboard, and he applies the method in his own clinical practice on a daily basis. Palpation, as well as the Neijing are the basis of his clinic.

He studied shiatsu and qi gong at the Nei Guan institute in Amsterdam, before graduating at the TCMA acupuncture college. At the start of his career, he felt a need for more hands-on clinical training as well as a specialization. Even during acupuncture school, Jaarsveld’s attention was drawn to the Japanese styles of acupuncture, due to his background in martial arts, qi gong and
meditation, seemed a good fit. However, after reading the book Kiiko Matsumoto's Clinical Strategies in the Spirit of Master Nagano, Vol. 1 (Matsumoto, K.; Euler, D., 2002) and attending a workshop with David Euler, the path was set upon specializing in Kiiko Matsumoto’s style of acupuncture.

Training was available in the form of seminars taught by Euler and Matsumoto, as well as
study material in the form of books, video’s and articles. In the period of 2008 until 2023,
more than 1000 hours of training in seminars where real patients were treated were
followed, and this style became the specialization in his clinic.
John Jaarsveld assists Kiiko Matsumoto for years in numerous seminars throughout Europe.
John has further studied the Huang Di Nei Jing with dr. Edward Neal and David White since 2014.


