Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. in OFFENBACH/FRANKFURT – seit 1994

Tangible Acupuncture for Internal Medicine (TAIM)

13.04. – 03.11.2024
Andrew Nugent-Head, Assistent: Dr. Michael Kleiser

The class will be in English only

Get to know Andrew below

Impressions of the course on youtube
Here YouTube

How to create predictable, repeatable and reliable results with acupuncture needles

Course description

In this 5 modules in person/online program focused on internal medical conditions, Andrew Nugent-Head shares what he learned over 28 years in China from the last practitioners who still practiced Chinese medicine as our medical ancestors did.

This in-depth training program is designed to take practitioners through the steps necessary to grasp the tangibility of acupuncture when treating internal disease. Moving beyond using acupuncture points for their book function to understanding how to profoundly affect the qi, practitioners will understand what to do at any acupuncture point, and why specific points are chosen in order to achieve great results.

TAIM features clear explanations of Chinese medical theory for the conditions covered, demonstrations of the protocols necessary to be successful in treating them, and extensive guided partner practice time to ensure a thorough understanding of the techniques presented. As in all of Andrew‘s courses, TAIM is designed for clinically focused practitioners seeking greater skill and are willing to do the work during the modules and at home to build better efficacy when treating difficult conditions.

Participants will learn how to clearly understand a variety of internal medical conditions from the traditional perspective of disharmony of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, as well as learn how to tangibly and effectively rebalance them to obtain fast and obvious results with their patients through acupuncture, bodywork and other physical treatment methods.

Course Deliverables

Participants will learn to implement a variety of needling methods and bodywork techniqes to tangibly and effectively treat patients across a wide variety of internal medical conditions. They will also learn to reframe their understanding of the conditions from current Chinese medicine theory as taught in schools to the more effective traditional perspective which made this medicine so effective in the past. Upon completion, participants should expect to be confident clinicians, able to confidently treat chronic and acute internal medicine conditions.

Course structure

This is a hybrid in person & online program featuring 60 hours of practical training over 5 modules at ABZ Mitte Offenbach and over 30 hours of training videos.


Module 1: Tonifying the Upright Qi, Dispersing Pernicious Qi, Regulating the Channels

Module 2: The Eight Functions of Qi in the Clinic

Module 3: Doors & Pathways of Qi

Module 4: Awakening the Source

Module 5: Treatment Protocols for Internal Illnesses

This will be probably the last time this class will be offered in this way.


Everybody who wants to improve clinical results and is willing to put in the work


All participants will receive a certificate of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin e.V. (AGTCM)".

Andrew Nugent-Head
Andrew Nugent-Head
Assistent: Dr. Michael Kleiser

Organisation und Kosten

Ausbildungszentrum Mitte
Frankfurter Str. 59
63067 Offenbach, im Hof Eingang hinten rechts, 3. Stock
Tel: 069 / 82 36 14 17, Email

13./14.04. 2024
08./09.06. 2024
07./08.09. 2024
05./06.10. 2024
02./03.11. 2024

Plus approx. 30 hours of videos

Wir bitte alle, ein eigenes Spannbettlaken, ein Kissen für die Liege und bei Bedarf eine Decke mitzubringen!

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch - ohne Übersetzung

Teilnehmer:innen: mind.: 30 / max: 50

Samstag: 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Sonntag: 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr

Creditstunden: 90
Der Hybrid-Kurs besteht aus 90 Creditstunden, davon 70 in Präsenz im ABZ MITTE an 5 Wochenenden und 30 Zeitstunden Lehrvideos, die als Vor- und Nachbereitung angesehen werden.

Kosten: 2.937,50 €
AGTCM-Mitglieder: 2.350 €
TCM Fachverband Schweiz-Mitglieder: 2.634,75 €

Zertifizierung vom BDH und Anerkennung vom TCM Fachverband Schweiz werden beantragt.

Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen eine Rechnung. Nach Zahlungseingang stellen wir Ihnen zur Vorbereitung des Kurses die Videos zur Verfügung.
Nach Erhalt der Videos ist eine Stornierung nicht mehr möglich.

Lade Daten